Last night Tom and I went to Nicer Tuesdays and to be honest I didn't really know much about the line up (embarrassingly) but I was swiftly blown away by the work of Alex Chinneck after a few minutes of him talking. If you don't know his work, Alex is an artist who draws inspiration from architecture and spaces. His conviction and dedication to an idea is so admirable and it shows in the execution of his work. As he said his ideas are admittedly quite simple but take months and months (sometimes years) worth of planning - he said his working process is 5% idea and 95% planning, engineering, consulting and making, which is a process I think we can all learn from.

The project photographed above is called 'From The Knees of My Nose To The Belly of My Toes' is an installation in Margate. It addresses the issue of Turner Contemporary in this area. I think it is a great piece of public art as it is accessible, fun and communicates. If you have two minutes to spare there's a great process video pasted below and if not check out Alex's website (where these pictures are pinched from) some other time.

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