
Last month, myself and three friends won a bid do the branding for our University's Degree Show in the summer. Which is a super exciting gig, but also a massive job. I won't reveal all, but here is a sneaky peek. It's a v. fun project to be working on!

 Popped in to see my Mum in her studio this week, it's soo cosy and a great working set up ...

And here's a cheeky outfit gif for you ! (topshop dress, diesel jacket, air max)



That time of year again apparently! 


Only just realised how great a typographic moment this is, in the film "It's a mad mad mad mad world". I remember my Dad forcing my sister and I, to watch this crazy, crazy film!

And here's a crazy palm tree getting a hair cut I saw in Barcelona ...

Another awesome palm tree shot, lurking in my "to sort" folder ...

And finally palm trees in my favourite picture ever (gif version!) ...

Have a palm-tast-tic weekend !



If you watch this film, it will be twenty minutes well spent (I promise). I try to avoid blogging things that I have seen elsewhere but I love sweets so much and I love Martin Parr so much, so this could not be avoided. Got a feeling that the next time I visit my Granny, there will be a massive detour to Teddy Gray's shop !


Will at It's Nice That kindly set me a copy of their new magazine called "Printed Pages". And I think it's an awesome little magazine, still with the big content of the previous issues of the mag. As always the content is engaging and gives just that extra bit of the depth and special effort that the website often can't. Plus the shorter article length is ace, for those like me with attention spams that could be improved. This new mag is for sale at It's Nice That's new shop called "Company of Parrots" - well worth a read !

On Sunday I got old(er). And ate dim sum and went up Greenwich Park and played ping pong. The perfect way to get old!


I have so much nonsense dragged into folders on my laptop, which I always think will come in handy one day as a reference for a project or something like that. Here is a selection.


Found this old crucifix bit of printing and sewing I did a while ago and it matches perfectly with this diving stock image.


I'm working with this colour on a big, exciting project at college. Such an awesome colour!